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Environmental Analyses and R&D

Environmental measurements and analyses, as well as research and development (R&D) activities, are integral parts of our services, which are also activities serving for our continued service quality. With this approach ENCON conducts environmental measurements and analyses through ENCON Environmental Laboratory since 2006. These measurements/analyses include both ambient parameters and effluent/discharge/emission parameters. The high variety of parameters that we are accredited (nationally and internationally) to measure/analyze provides our clients with the opportunity to get the most comprehensive services from a single supplier. In addition, we are collaborating with leading national and international laboratories enabling us to provide measurement services for almost all of the relevant environmental parameters in air, water and soil media, as well as noise and wastes.

ENCON Laboratory Inc. is the focal point of ENCON for conducting R&D activities in the field of water and wastewater management. Some of our R&D activities are solely conducted in our Laboratory (e.g. various treatability tests, development of pollutant removal techniques with natural minerals, etc.), while some of them include site surveys, measurements and accompanied with modeling and GIS applications. All relevant ENCON staff and academic consultants, when necessary, participate in our R&D projects. With these projects, we not only intend to develop innovative applications for our use, but also aim to contribute to development of methods and technologies for the protection and sustainability of environmental quality and resources.

ENCON Environmental Laboratory was established for providing accurate and precise measurements of the parameters of importance for assessing ambient environmental and discharge conditions. In Turkey, such measurements were mainly being conducted by University Laboratories till 2005, which were not able to meet the increasing needs in the sector. In addition, although standard international methods were being used, there was not a credible accreditation system for such measurements. In this context, our environmental laboratory was established in 2006 and accredited both by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry and TÜRKAK. The international standardization system, “General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories TS-EN-ISO/IEC 17025” has been established, certified, and being implemented in our laboratory. Today ENCON Environmental Laboratory is authorized to provide official measurement/analyses results to the Ministry of Environment and Forestry and our measurement results are accepted internationally in line with our ISO/IEC 17025 certification.

ENCON Laboratory Inc. provides one of the important components of our services to clients. In the context of the capabilities of ENCON, we are not limited to providing the results of measurements and analyses to the client. We believe in providing integrated solutions to our clients, so we are able to provide interpretation of the results, identification of any problems and development of possible solutions, as needed/required.

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